Web services are used to build
applications that can send/receive messages using SOAP over HTTP. A web
service is a publicized package of functionality offered over the web.
SOA is a set of architectural concepts used for the development and
integration of services. Web services can be used to implement SOA. But
it is only a single method of realizing SOA based applications.
What are Web Services?
A Web Service is a method of
communication over the network. According to W3C, a Web service is a
system dedicated for supporting machine-to-machine transactions over a
network. It is a Web API described in WSDL (Web Service Description
Language), and Web services are usually self-contained and
self-describing. Web services can be discovered using UDDI (Universal
Description, Discovery and Integration) protocol. By exchanging SOAP
(Simple Object Access Protocol) messages typically over HTTP (with XML),
other systems can interact with Web services.
Web services are used in number of ways
such as RPC (Remote Procedure Calls), SOA (Service Oriented
Architecture) and REST (Representational State Transfer). There are two
automated design methodologies for developing Web services. The
bottom-up approach deals with first creating the classes and then using
WSDL generation tools to compose these classes as Web services. The
top-down approach deals with defining the WSDL specifications and then
using code generation tools to generate the corresponding classes. Web
services have two major usages. They can be used as reusable
application-components and /or to connect web applications running on
different platforms.
What is SOA?
SOA (Service-oriented architecture) is a
set of architectural concepts used for the development and integration
of services. SOA deals with distributed computing, in which, consumers
consume a set of interoperable services. Multiple consumers can consume a
single service and vice versa. Therefore, SOA is often used to
integrate multiple applications that use different platforms. For SOA
to properly operate, services should be loosely coupled with operating
systems and the technologies of underlying applications. SOA developers
create services using units of functionality, and make them available
over the internet. Web services can be used to implement SOA
architecture. In that case, web services become the units of
functionality of SOA accessible over the internet. Web services can be
used by anybody without being concerned about the platforms or the
programming languages used for developing them. SOA is directly built
upon the principle of service-orientation, which talks about services
with simple interface that can be accessed independently by users
without worrying about the actual platform implementation of the
What is the difference between SOA and Web Services?
There are some key differences between
Web services and SOA. Web services define a web technology that can be
used to build applications that can send /receive messages using SOPA
over HTTP. However, SOA is an architectural model for implementing
loosely coupled service based applications. Web services can be used to
implement SOA applications. Even though web service approach to SOA has
become very popular, it is only a single method of implementing SOA. SOA
can be implemented using any other service-based technology (e.g. CORBA
and REST).
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