Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hibernate Select Query

Hibernate Select Query

This is an example for loading the object from the database remember in the hibernate loading 1 object from the database means applying select command (select * from _____) for fetching one complete record from the database.
Files required to execute this program..
  • (My POJO class)
  • Product.hbm.xml  (Xml mapping file )
  • hibernate.cfg.xml  (Xml configuration file)
  • file to write our hibernate logic) (POJO)



Now compile all .java files and run to see the output

Eclipse Output

In the database


  • In this program is just pojo class nothing special
  • Mapping and Configuration files are just like previous programs
  • But in, see in line number 16 load(-,-) method which is in the session, actually we have 2 methods to load the object from the database, they are load and get i will explain when time comes, as of now just remember this point
  • Now see line number 19,  we are going to print the product name by writing +s.getProName
  • Actually once we loaded the object for the database with load or get methods the object data will be loads into the setter methods, so we are printing by using getter methods

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