Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Storage System Change in Asterisk Voicemail

Storage System Change in Asterisk Voicemail


PHP Script to convert from filesystem voicemail message storage to ODBC storage

This script will take an existing voicemail filesystem spool and insert all messages and greetings into a MySQL database for use with Asterisk Voicemail ODBC storage.

Download as php script. The wiki is removing some characters as format tags.

#!/usr/bin/php -q
$my_user = "convert";           # MySQL user (with min. INSERT privlege on 'voicemessages' table)
$my_passwd = "convert";         # MySQL user password
$my_host = "localhost";         # MySQL hostname
$my_database = "asterisk";      # MySQL database name
$my_table = "voicemessages";    # MySQL table name (normally 'voicemessages')
$msg_format = "WAV";            # recording format to use (WAV|wav|gsm)
$dir_prefix = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/"; # root of current file-based voicemail spool 
$ignore_default = TRUE;         # TRUE ignores 'default' context, FALSE will insert vboxes from 'default' context

echo "Starting....\n";
$DB = mysql_connect($my_host, $my_user, $my_passwd) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($my_database) or die("Could not select database: " . mysql_error());

if(!is_dir($dir_prefix)) die("$dir_prefix is not a directory.\n");
$DirH = opendir($dir_prefix) or die ("opendir failed on $dir_prefix.\n");
while(FALSE !== ($DirEnt = readdir($DirH)) ) {  # each of these directories is a voicemailbox context
        if($DirEnt == "." || $DirEnt == "..") continue;
        if($DirEnt == "default" && $ignore_default) continue;
        echo "Processing context directory $dir_prefix$DirEnt\n";
        $CtxH = opendir($dir_prefix.$DirEnt) or die ("opendir failed on $dir_prefix$DirEnt\n");
        while(FALSE !== ($CtxEnt = readdir($CtxH)) ) {  # each of these directories is a voicemailbox 
                if($CtxEnt == "." || $CtxEnt == "..") continue;
                echo "\tVoicemailbox $mailbox\n";
                $MbxH = opendir($dir_prefix.$DirEnt."/".$mailbox) or die ("opendir failed on $dir_prefix$DirEnt/$mailbox\n");
                while(FALSE !== ($MbxEnt = readdir($MbxH)) ) {  # each of these directories is a folder or announcemen/greeting
                        if($MbxEnt == "." || $MbxEnt == "..") continue;
                        $path = $dir_prefix.$DirEnt."/".$mailbox."/".$MbxEnt;
                        if(is_dir($path)) {
                                echo "\t\tVmailbox folder $MbxEnt: ";
                                $FldH = opendir($path) or die ("opendir failed on $path\n");
                                while(FALSE !== ($FldEnt = readdir($FldH))) {   # entries in mailbox folders: the messages
                                        if($FldEnt == "." || $FldEnt == "..")   continue;
                                        if(strpos($FldEnt,"txt") !== FALSE) {
                                                echo ".";
                                 } # end mailbox-folder directory loop
                                echo "\n";
                         } else {
                                switch($MbxEnt) {
                                        case "busy.".$msg_format:
                                        case "temp.".$msg_format:
                                        case "greet.".$msg_format:
                                        case "unavail.".$msg_format:
                                                $announce = substr($MbxEnt,0,-4);
                                                $announce = "WRONG_FORMAT";
                                if($announce == "WRONG_FORMAT") continue;
                                echo "\t  -- Mailbox recording $announce done.\t \n";
                 } # end voicemailbox directory loop
         } # end voicemailbox directory loop
} # end voicemailbox context directory loop

echo "\n";
echo "All done.\n";

function doMsgInsert($mailboxcontext,$mailbox,$msgFile,$path) {
        global $msg_format;
        $Ipref = "INSERT INTO voicemessages (msgnum,context,callerid,duration,origtime,dir,mailboxuser,mailboxcontext,recording) VALUES (";
        $msgnum = 0+substr($msgFile,3,4);
        $DETAILS = parse_ini_file($path."/".$msgFile,FALSE);
        $DFile = fopen($path."/".$msgFile,"r") or die ("Could not open $dir_prefix $MSG_FILE \n");
        while(!feof($DFile)) {          # need to get callerid seperately
                $LINE = rtrim(fgets($DFile,4096));
                if(strpos($LINE,"callerid") !== FALSE)  list($y,$callerid) = explode("=",$LINE);
        $recording = mysql_real_escape_string(file_get_contents($path."/".substr($msgFile,0,-3).$msg_format));
        if($recording) $BLOB = "read ok"; else $BLOB = "false";
        $INSERT = $Ipref . "'".$msgnum."','".$DETAILS['context']."','" . mysql_real_escape_string($callerid)."','";
        if (!isset($DETAILS['duration']))       $DETAILS['duration'] = 0;
        $INSERT .= $DETAILS['duration']."','";
        if (!isset($DETAILS['origtime']))       $DETAILS['origtime'] = 0;
        $INSERT .= $DETAILS['origtime']."','" . $path . "','$mailbox','$mailboxcontext','";
        $INSERT_REAL = $INSERT . $recording ."')";
        $INSERT .= $BLOB. "')";
        $R = mysql_query($INSERT_REAL) or die("Problem with INSERT: \n$INSERT\n\n". mysql_error()."\n");
} # end function doMsgInsert()

function doGreetInsert($mailboxcontext,$mailbox,$path) {
        $Gpref = "INSERT INTO voicemessages (msgnum,dir,mailboxuser,mailboxcontext,recording) VALUES (-1,'";
        $dir = substr($path,0,-4);
        $recording = mysql_real_escape_string(file_get_contents($path));
        if($recording) $BLOB = "ok"; else $BLOB = "failed";
        $INSERT = $Gpref . $dir . "','$mailbox','$mailboxcontext','";
        $INSERT_REAL = $INSERT . $recording . "')";
        $INSERT .= $BLOB."')";
        $R = mysql_query($INSERT_REAL) or die("Problem with INSERT: \n$INSERT\n\n". mysql_error()."\n");
} # end function doGreetInsert()


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